Make a deep connection with a verified person who shares your values.
About Unjected.
We created Unjected with a heartfelt intention to connect with like-minded individuals who share our beliefs. The vision was to foster a community where individuals could come together for love to form lifelong friendships and gain a strong sense of belonging.
The core of Unjected goes beyond mere companionship; it encompasses a deep understanding and shared values that unite us.
Moreover, recognizing the significance of the blood supply and reproductive donors such as sperm, eggs, breastmilk, Unjected's goal is to provide support and assistance to those in need of these services.
Looking ahead, we see tremendous value in extending our offerings in these areas over the coming years. Our commitment lies in creating a safe and supportive space for individuals seeking such help, nurturing a community that values and embraces diverse needs and experiences.
Unjected strives to be a beacon of hope, compassion, and understanding, where individuals can find solace and connection with others who share their perspectives.
Meet the Founder
Shelby Hosana Thomson Founder
Maui, Hawaii
My health and wellness journey started over a decade ago when I was injured by the experimental gardasil HPV vaccine. I went from a healthy and thriving teenager to being nearly debilitated by a myriad of heart conditions for several years.
It was my first experience learning how important personal health is.
The single most important.
Once I became a parent in 2017, I began diving deep into the pharmaceutical industry. Being kicked out of our then-pediatrician's office and called a “murderer” after choosing to refuse dangerous childhood vaccinations for all my children; after learning the lack of double blind placebo control studies for every injection on the market. .
Fast forward to recent years, I put on my armor I had built up and stepped out of the darkness of 2021 to build Unjected from the ground up.
After being ostracized in my own home for my beliefs, and bearing witness to the pivotal shift in society, it was the time to fearlessly lead a moment of freedom-loving individuals towards empowerment, community, and love with like minded men & women across the world.
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Make new Unjected connections.
Meet your perfect person – and feel confident knowing your personal information is safe and secure.
Unjected members share your values.
Take the guesswork out of finding your authentic match.
Every Unjected member is verified.
Before members are accepted into Unjected, they have their identity, gender, and vaccination status certified by a medical professional.